Posts Tagged With: Romans

Day Ten: Into Perspective

You know those days when nothing seems to go your way? It’s like the world is out to get you. You wake up late, burn your tongue on your morning coffee, cut yourself shaving and forget to pack you lunch. And because you’re already unhappy, nothing is going to make the day better so work is a drag. You don’t want to interact with anyone but indulging your misery alone isn’t helping either. You’re just in a bad mood and that’s that.

That was my Monday. None of what I listed actually happened to me. However, I woke up with a bad attitude, for no easily identifiable reason. Then I received a disappointing email from AltLink. On top of that, I kept receiving “no” RSVPs for my going-away dinner next Saturday. Whomp whomp.

Sitting all alone, my thoughts began to spiral into a depressing hole as I considered canceling the dinner. I work from home on Mondays so I had the entire day to mope around the house feeling sorry for myself. I just wanted to crawl into bed and wallow in self-pity the rest of the day.

But I couldn’t. That evening I had an event to host. As a Cares team for Apartment Life, Rachel and I host three events every month. Yesterday was our seventy-sixth event, approximately. It was called “Hot Dogs with your Hot Dog.” Basically it was a hot dog bar for humans, with chili and cheese toppings and treats for any passing dogs. I’m nothing if not dutiful, so I shut my work computer, turned on an audio book and began boiling 100 hot dogs. Still my thoughts swirled around my problems and what I needed to do and what I wanted to happen and how I was going to make it happen.

By the time 6:30pm rolled around, Rachel and I had everything set up outside and people started to arrive. I did not feel like interacting with the people who came to get hot dogs. I did not want any intrusion to interrupt my thoughts. But thankfully, for my own sake, that was impossible.

More and more people began to show up. People really like hot dogs! And I started to smile as I saw familiar happy faces. I began having conversations about other people’s days; they allowed me glimpses into their lives as we conversed. While I made sure the ice was filled, refilled forks and helped a child fill her plate, the day’s depression began to dissipate. My self-involvement and concern turned outward and my attitude transformed.

When I serve others my self-importance diminishes as I realize that I am not the center of the universe. The story does not revolve around me. One of my Peace Corps applicants spoke about this. She had lost her only son in a car accident. Following his death, she and her husband went through a difficult divorce. She quit her job and began volunteering at a soup kitchen. She told me that it was only through pouring herself out to others that she found peace. When I am only concerned for myself, then my problems seem insurmountable at times. As I stare at them unblinkingly, they become bigger and bigger until they cloud over my vision and I can no longer see anything else. Romans 12:3 reads, “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” Even when I think myself with self-pity, I am positioning myself as more important than others in my own mind. When my focus turns from myself to others, my problems move to the periphery and become much more manageable and insignificant.

In Galatians 6:9a, Paul says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good”. I say do good to overcome weariness.  Service to others, and ultimately to the Lord, is what keeps me grounded. It puts life into perspective.

Categories: 30 Day Challenge, Pre-Departure | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Fairy Tales

I went to dinner with a friend last night. We were talking about a girl we met recently. We’d been doing an icebreaker and this girl was asked, “If you could live in any time period, when would it be?” She stated that she would like to live 100 years in the future because the world is increasingly becoming a better place. I had just met her and therefore did not engage her in the ridiculousness of that comment. I don’t believe in the “good ole days” and I’m quite content to live in the time where I have been placed. But I definitely do not agree that the world is becoming better. So I mentioned this to my friend, waved my hands and the air and said something to the effect of, that girl is living in her own little fairly tale.

My friend cocks her head and queries, “Yeah she is, but you’re religious.”

I stared back at her, “Umm, so?”princess

“So you’re living in a fairy tale too. We all have our own little fairy tales that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better.”

This statement might offend some. Others are nodding their heads as they read this and agreeing. I am not offended; having known her for six years, I know she does not intend to hurt my feelings.  And having spent countless hours stuck in a hot, African hut with no other entertainment than our conversation, I am well aware of her feelings toward the subject of religion, in general, and God, in particular.

Of course, I adamantly disagree with her. I am a rational, well-informed, well-educated person not given to fanciful thinking or flights of imagination. While I was raised in church, I was never taught to swallow everything that was preached from a pulpit. I was taught to question, research and come to my own conclusions. I don’t believe in God because it “feels good”, because my parents do or because I need to be consoled as to what happens to me after death.

In fact, I believe my friend is playing out her own unhappy fairy tale. The Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz and Nobel Prize winner puts it this way:

Religion, opium for the people! To those suffering pain, humiliation, illness, and serfdom, it promised a reward in afterlife. And now we are witnessing a transformation. A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death, the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged. The Marxist creed has now been inverted. The true opium of modernity is the belief that there is no God, so that humans are free to do precisely as they please.[1]

So why do I believe in God?

While I don’t have the time or space to delve into the depths of evidence here, I will say that science and religion are not mutually exclusive. I recommend “Challenges From Science” written by John Lennox, an article in Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias and “Objection #3: Evolution Explains Life, so God Isn’t Needed” in A Case for Faith by Lee Strobel.

Paul says in Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” God is evidenced in everyday life. What other explanation is there for the origin of life? No one has ever been able to explain it, aside from invoking a creator, or replicate it. Ben Stein’s documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” has some poignant arguments on this topic as well.

Ultimately, though, it is not rational arguments that convince someone that there is a God. All the intellect in the world is not enough. It is an issue of the heart.

Some of my friends from my time in the Peace Corps have wondered to others (and it’s gotten back to me) if I had some sort of religious conversion after coming back. I didn’t- perhaps, it was a reversion since I grew up with a deep faith. But during my early 20’s I decided to live for myself completely, doing what I wanted, when I wanted. While I never stopped believing in God, I blocked out what I knew of Him. I stopped praying and seeking guidance, forgot his demands for obedience. I forgot His love for me. And because of this, I lived in misery.

But He did not forget me, His child. He pursued me relentlessly, gently coaxing me back to a relationship with Him. This is why I believe in God. He is real. I have experienced a personal, loving God who wants to know me. There is no fact, no evidence, and no argument that can replace this. It must be experienced to be believed and it must be asked for to be experienced- God never forces anyone to believe in Him. Jesus says, “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9-10.

[1] McGrath, Alister. “Challenges From Atheism.” Beyond Opinion. Ed. Ravi Zacharias. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007. 32.

Categories: Pre-Departure | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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